Pedaling Progress – A Dutch Solution for Bicycle Parking.

Cycling is perhaps the most convenient mode of transport for Dutch citizens. We are known for our cycling habits, and for structuring dedicated routes and lanes for cyclists within our cities. Making the Netherlands one of the cycling-friendliest countries on the planet.

Enlarge image A scenic shot of the Eiffel Tower in Paris at golden hour.
Image: ©NLWorks

Countries like France come to the Netherlands, seeking solutions to adhere to their growing demand for cycling: to adjust their cycling infrastructure, answering to the growing popularity of this mode of transport. 

A demand that has only further increased after the COVID-pandemic, the Olympic Games of 2024, and the growing need for a sustainable mode of travel. Particularly evident in the surge of bicycle usage and ambitious plans for expanding bicycle parking facilities – providing opportunities for Dutch and French companies to help reshape France’s infrastructure, enabling them to comply with the need for sustainable modes of transport. 

The report “Pedaling Progress – a Dutch Solution for Bicycle Parking” (by the Netherlands France Chamber of Commerce) zooms in on the opportunities for public-private partnerships around creating bicycle parking spaces in France.

The primary objective of this research is to address the question: what solutions can a Dutch consortium propose to meet the growing demand in France for bicycle parking garages? Considering factors like increased cycling, space efficiency, sustainability, theft prevention, and secure facilities. 

The Dutch solution represents a comprehensive approach to cycling infrastructure, recognized worldwide as the benchmark. The paper examines the specific challenges faced in Paris, applies Dutch expertise, and evaluates key components required to create effective bicycle parking solutions.