A 25-member North Carolina delegation visits horticulture sector in the Netherlands
The Dutch are world leaders when it comes to our horticulture sector. Recently we were invited by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture to join a visit of an incoming delegation of 25 people from North Carolina (US) who are interested in our horticulture industry and water management approach.
The delegation was welcomed by Bart Vrolijk International Cluster coordinator at the Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit, and was joined by Partnership developer Daniel da Costa (NLWorks), Gert Stiekema (Topsector Horticulture and Starting Materials), and Peter Ravensbergen (Wageningen University & Research). During the interactive session, insights were shared concerning the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda of the Dutch top sector and the collaboration of the Netherlands with the US in the field of horticulture, including the multi-year public-private partnership with Kentucky.
“It was great to be a part of this session together with our partners from the Ministry of Agriculture, the top sector, and Wageningen University to showcase the way the Netherlands works on international private-public partnerships,” says Daniel. “With the objective to help other countries develop sustainable food systems based on our Dutch horticulture ecosystem and cluster approach.”
If you want to know more about the visit, read the full article (in Dutch) here: Delegatie North-Carolina bezoekt tuinbouwsector in Nederland